Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Creating Model View with Photos

I was looking to create an interesting photo for the front of our brochure. I thought creating a a model view of the front of the media center. I found a tutorial on using masks in Photoshop to create a model view. I saw on Cole Camplese's blog that there was a response with a web site that can create these photos for you. The web site is http://tiltshiftmaker.com. The focus can be adjusted up and down. Everything outside of the focus becomes blurred to create the effect. The pictures I took were from on top of a ladder. Here is a the image I created:

Developing an a Organizational Plan

I was looking at the way the way Penn State's TLT Community Hub and Cole Camplese's blog about how they are using stickers to track what who was going to what event at their TLT conference. I thought it would be nice to label each entry with a box that that would like enties by likeness. Here is what I came up with:
It is a little blurry, but I had trouble getting it into blogger. I am trying this at work. As a item is taught, I am going to label equipment that matches what was taught. Hopefully, I will start seeing folks have better recognition in what is actually possible. I hope this makes sense.